Thursday, 29 March 2012


 Illustrator, animator and fashion filmmaker

Quentin Jones: Naked With Paint

I saw this video and immediately thought it was amazing. I knew there was something missing from my ideas as I wasn't getting overly excited about it, but when I saw this video plently of ideas came to me, and the excitement quickly came back. It is also similar to Gareth Pugh's Make up athon which I have already mentioned in this blog, with the use of stop motion, and the model putting on the make up themselves. This short film is quirky, exciting and original. This film has made me change my mind on what I want to do with my final piece. I think it would be awesome and interesting to create a short film/ viral ad which appears as though the model is putting on the make up, however with the use of stop motion I, as the make up artist will actually be applying the make up, these bits will be edited out creating the effect of the model is putting on the make up. Originally, I was going to film myself doing the make whilst asking the model questions regarding how he feels when wearing make up. This last minute change of mind could be really exciting and different.
I also like the the frame which captures the model, I was planning on just including the head and shoulders, however, now I want to include the clothing as a main aspect to the video as well as the make up, and so this frame shot would be much more suitable.
The black and white makes the film look dark and mysterious which isn't the desired effect that I am wanting to create. I need the use of colour to make the film look lively, happy and energetic. It needs to portray the feelings and emotions of the model, these being all the above.


This video is a great example of how I am wanting to create my short film. He has made it look as though he has shaved his beard with his fingers, when he's actually used a shaver, but with the use of stop motion techniques, the shaving parts are cut out and the final piece is left with just the finger shots.

Kendall Hunt

Process Enacted by Jordan C Greenhalgh
I liked this video as Greenhalgh used photographs to make it appear as though the model in the photograph is actually moving. This isn't the technique I will be using, but it is something that I will touch upon and to create my own to give me further knowledge and understanding of how stop motion films work.

I found this t shirt on the Topman website featuring images of stop motion. I thought this was quite interesting and relevant to my work. This too gave me the idea to make my own stop motion imagery using photographs. I think this also shows how relevant this technique is today as a fashion styling, linking to me work being modern.

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