Tuesday, 13 March 2012



Gothz uses his own portrait to create different personalities, which links to a previous post on alter egos. The use of the bright colours, heavily applied make up and clothing relates to Drag.

This image very much resembles the art of a pin up girl with specific characteristics such as the short rollered hair, pale skin, rosy cheeks and red lipstick. The smaller images of the figure display as classic pin up pose with the one leg in front of the other, and the arms behind the head. 
<Pin up girl>
This is not something I want to create to my piece as it has to be appropriate for a 12 year old as this would definitely be frowned upon and considered immoral. 

This image reminds me of a Giesha through the use of patterns, clothing and the background patterns almost resembling a Chinese fan. The white face, pink cheeks, dark eyes and red lips also help to create this image.

<Geisha Girl>

I think that all of these pieces of art are exciting and unique. The imagery looks psychedelic with the use of neon colours and patterns.

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