Friday, 9 March 2012


Dove Campaign for Real Beauty, 2006

This is a great example of viral advertising. It won a couple of awards, and is worth over £9m. It received 12m views in its first year of publication. It has been on Youtube, sent through email, social networking sites, and it has been shown and mentioned on reality host shows. It too uses stop motion showing that this is a popular form of editing to get a long film edited in to a short film. Even thought this viral advert was first seen in 2006, it still being virally passed along.

Agent Provocateur 2011
for their new Soiree Collection 2011/12

Even though this viral advert was banned, it shows that a viral advertisements need an edge about them to lure the viewers, which is definitely something this advert does. I think my idea has a slight edge to it, as the audience won't know what the advert is for, which I am hoping will make them want to google it. I will include the name of the performance, 'The Boy in the Dress.'

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